(1.00 09 Feb 2014)

Patient Administration
ComTech would like to welcome you to our MedEasy © Patient Administration Program - Web Version. You can now do all of your patient administration using your browser to access all of the features.
Here are some of the features:
  • Patient Information Entry
  • Patient Billing
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Patient Recalls
  • Prescrition Entry
  • Direct MOH Billing
  • MOH Reconciliation
  • Detailed Reports
All of this can be done using nothing more than a browser to access the application. No more fussing with installations every time you want to add a new computer.

All data is backed-up daily to off-site storage for that extra safety when things go bad. Since you are no longer responsible for maintaining your own server, you can leave all of that in our hands. After all, that's our business; you can focus on your own.
If you would like more information on our many Administrative packages please contact
